Halloween is my absolute favorite. But my absolute favorite things often cause Crohn's trouble, because I throw myself into doing them to the extreme, at the expense of sleep, eating well, and just general calm and self-care. I'm really trying not to do that this year, trying to actually follow the total of 12 tips I've come up with in past Octobers to having a healthier Halloween while haunted by Crohn's. May your IBD be a wispy spirit appearing faintly in the background and only in Polaroids, and not a mean-faced devil doll that won't stay in the garbage can no matter what you do.
Also, go see the movie IT. And if you haven't seen it before, please go rent and watch 1408. These are just general life tips. 5 tips for making a Halloween with IBD spooky, but not scary 7 tricks to making IBD less scary |
Gut Check
January 2018
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